Mmapeu Organizational Management

Ideas Incite Innovation

Mmapeu is a South African name that carries ideas, Mmapeu: “woman who carries ideas”. A national consulting firm that has trained, consulted and worked with more than 11,500 mission-driven individuals, businesses and organizations.


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California WIC

Habitat for Humanity International 

Housing Urban Development (HUD)

Kresge Foundation

W.K. Kellogg Foundation 

Opportunity Collaboration

San Francisco Foundation 

NeighborWorks America

Northern California Non Profit Housing Association

Middlebury College

Episcopal Impact Fund

Northern California Grantmakers

Pacific School of Religion

Unitarian Universalist Association

Center for Progressive Renewal

San Francisco Department of Public Health


Mmapeu Management Team

Mey F. Saechao is currently the Director of Operations for Mmapeu Management Consulting based in the Bay Area. She is from and based in Oakland, CA/native ancestral land to the Ohlone People. She works in partnership with small business owners, social change agents and entrepreneurs and specializes in Administrative & Systems Management. A graduate of San Francisco State University, she has served as a board member with experience in the non-profit and public health sectors. In an effort to use her right and left brain, she consults as a wardrobe stylist and creative designer for independent and corporate clients and believes in the power of transformative style. When she is not traveling or gardening, she loves to spend quality time with close family and friends over good food and storytelling.

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Amani Johnson As a Liberation Fractalist, I bring a synthesis of cross cultural information, to help dismantle

internal & external systems of oppression. I am steeped in hip-hop, mindfulness, emotional &

somatic intelligence, exploratory process, indigenous cosmology, & social/eco justice

transformation. I come from a community of facilitators, educators, & artivists who call on our

innate ability to envision and create equitable, sustainable, futures today.


Cianna Carrillo Walker-Flom (she/her) is an equity and inclusion consultant who is grounded by her passion for equitable food access, social justice, community organizing and youth advocacy. With a background in education access, equity and inclusion, recruiting, and program development, she approaches her work with a collaborative lens that seeks to create space for all voices to be valued. The organizations and companies that she’s supported range from small, nature based, youth and community development nonprofits to an Autonomous Vehicle startup. She has a BA in Sociology from San Francisco State University and a MA in International Sustainable Development from Escuela de Organización Industrial in Madrid, Spain. 

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Robert MacPhee is the Founder and President of Heart

Set, Inc. in Sonoma California. He provides

interactive, experiential and fun workshops to

organizations faced with significc ant changes, helping

their people maximize their productivity in spite of

those changes. Robert presentations are always

personalized to his clients and he always includes

follow up to ensure that the information and

experiences he shares make a LASTING impact.

Robert is the author of the book and partner journal

“Manifesting for Non-Gurus, How to Quiickly and

Easily Attrr act Lasting Results”. He is also the creator

of the “Heart Set on Fitness” wellness program and the

“Excellent Decisions” leadership program. He is the

former Director of Training for the Canfice ld Training

Group (having worked closely for many years with

Jack Canfice ld, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the

Soul Book series and author of Thee Success Principles),

and he is a Founding Member and former Executive

Director of the Transformational Leadership Council

and Co-Founder of the Southern California

Association of Transformational Leaders.

Robert is a knowledgeable, fun and engaging speaker. He is an expert in experiential

learning, peak performance and leadership. He has spoken at corporate conferences,

industry trade shows, government conferences, Colleges, Universities and High Schools

and he has done a wide variety of individual company events and trainings. His clients

include Quialcomm, Google, Cibus, Coldwell Banker, Denny’s, Jack in the Box, UCSD,

Dartmouth College, Mira Costa College, Gen-Probe, Keller Williams, Genoptix, Tandem

Diabetes and more.

Contact us.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.